Earn Money With the Champcash App
Just follow the simple steps and you can earn minimum Rs.10,000 - Rs.15,000 Per Month.
Champcash is an android app which pay its users for downloading apps and refer your friends.The joining bonus is 1$(Rs.63) + Unlimited Money for refer your friends on Champcash App.
How To Earn Money With Using Champcash App
- First of all, Download Champcash from playstore or any other downloading app site click on this Link to download App [Click Here] or [Click Here]
- After opening this link install champcash on your android phone or Bluestacks.
- After that just click on "Signup with Champcash" & enter your details like name,mobile number & email-address.
- Then it will ask for REFER ID you have to enter the refer id = 1928844 (If you don't add refer id,then you will not get 1$ bonus). Remember the Refer Id or Sponser Id is 1928844
- After that you have to download 7-9 Apps to complete the challenges (need to open apps for 2 minutes)
- Then you will get a message that "You are eligible to earn money" and you got 1$.(Rs.63)
- Then refer your friend or anyone to earn more money.
- You can redeem your money in your Bank Account OR Mobile Recharge.
- You can earn money upto 7 Levels